National Rural Education Association Official Podcast

S01E24 – The next 100 days of the Biden Presidency and Potential Directions for Rural Education.

Episode Summary

In this episode of the National Rural Education Association, the Rural Voice, Dr. Brad Mitchel rejoined us to readdress many of the themes discussed in episode S01E19 and some of the early indicators of the Biden team plans for rural education. We discuss the current issues facing rural school districts in our Post-COVID world. We discuss some of the lessons learned by the cohosts and our guests, and from those experiences, we discuss some possible methods for connecting with rural communities. We discuss rural culture and many disconnects between federal and local practices. We conclude with some ways the Biden Administration might capitalize on existing social, cultural, and technological infrastructure to facilitate more significant educational outcomes for students, teachers, and school districts. Article of interest This episode of the Rural Voice is sponsored by WinLearning.